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Flores Documents: General Acquisition and Other Information

 Series — Folder: 19

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

This collection consists of twenty handwritten documents, twenty-five newspaper clippings, ten photographs, and three miscellaneous publications. Among the holographs are several poignant letters to Cipriana Flores from her mother in Mexico during the mid 19th century and copies of legal documents employed by Cipriana to justify her claim to the Presidio comandancia to U.S. authorities. The certificates or testimonials by many of the men who knew Flores provide information on his military career in California, as well as the careers of the men who are testifying.

There are also several pages from an early Spanish cookbook and a prayer. Photographs are of Cipriana Flores and various family members, many of them taken at the Presidio. A scattering of genealogical notes accompany the photographs. Clippings include obituary notices of Flores family members and articles about Cipriana Flores and the Presidio dating from the early 20th century.


  • 1840 - 1921

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open to researchers.


1 Folder

Language of Materials



2019-03-03 - During the course of fulfilling a reference request, an extra unnumbered folder titled "Flores Papers: General Information" was found mixed in with the documented MS-03 folders 1 through 18 of the Flores Family Papers. The contents are primarily the acquisition documents such as the Deed of Gift, Receipt, correspondence and other Flores-related documents received after the initial gift. The Archivist numbered the new folder as "19" and added this Archival Object to the collection.


Repository Details

Part of the Presidio Research Center Repository

123 East Canon Perdido St.
Santa Barbara CA 93101 USA
(805) 961-5369